Type-able Text Markup for Structured Writing
Christian Augustin
2012-10-20 18:29


Christian Augustin (Berlin, Germany)

-> "mailto:feedback@typetext.info"
-> "@TypeText" [http://twitter.com/ TypeText] on Twitter


*What you see is what you get:* The content of this site is (for now) shown as it is typed, mostly using ->"Textforce" [http://itunes.apple.com/ jp/ app/ textforce-dropbox-text-editing/ id396444947?mt=8] on an iPad, sometimes using TextEdit on a Mac. In both cases with a little help from ->"TextExpander" [http://www.smilesoftware.com/ TextExpander/ ].

The "heavy lifting" is done by a tiny Perl script - nothing more than a "micro parser" that shows the file content the same way it looks in a text editor and that recognizes cross references (a.k.a. links).

The design of logo and site was done by me, myself and I.

The logo is based on modified characters of the (free) typefaces "Type Keys" and "Type Keys Filled" from ->"Typadelic" [http://www.typadelic.com/ free.html].

The paper is made from a scan of "Reflex Spezial" by Zanders, a real typewriter paper with watermark. The sheet used was from a batch that is at least 25 years old and is not useable with inkjet or laser printers (the current version of the paper is).

The background is made from a scan of my own desk pad (that is at least 20 years old).

The designs of logo and website are intentionally "skeuomorphic" - on the one hand as a reminiscence to the "old tools of the trade", on the other hand to prove my claim that TypeText could be used with a typewriter (that I don't have, but I learned touch typing on a real, mechanical one). And it was done for the fun of it. ;)

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